Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Fashionista

Wait? You're shocked this post isn't about ME?! Hah. Yea right!  Check out Shea trying out some of her new fall outfits. (They aren't getting much of a's still well into the 90s here!) More to come when the weather actually starts cooperating...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Lucas and I made kites while Shea was napping the other day. We had such fun "flying" them in our front yard. Love my little engineer!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Day of Preschool 3!

I cannot believe this is Lucas's THIRD first day of school already! (But, let me tell you, we could not WAIT for this one to roll around. Mom was ready. Lucas was ready. Shea didn't really know it, but she was ready, too!)

Without fail, for the last three or four months, Lucas has listed purple and pink as his two most favorite colors. He comments on them every time he sees something in one of those colors. I had to oblige him for his first day photo op:

He is into the squinty smile right now, so I can hardly get a decent picture of him. Also, he whacked his forehead open the night before, so that was awesome. Hah.

He is back at his same school from last year with a new teacher, Mrs. Miksa. So far, we all think she is AWESOME. I feel like he is learning a TON already (like months and days, spelling, more advanced counting skills). He loves going to school (the routine of it all) and seems to have made at least a couple of friends. Of COURSE one is a girl...Taylor. But, the other is a boy, Garik. So pleased to see that he may actually hang out with the boys a bit more this year. We hope it is a great one!

And for nostalgia's are Lucas's other first days of school, too! Look how tiny he was two years ago!!! Also, in comparison, you can tell that he was in desperate need of a haircut this year. Hah!  He got one about a week later...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Myrtle Beach - The Rest of the Pics

All in all, we had a GREAT trip to the beach. The kids were good travelers, our condo was really nice, everyone loves the beach, we ate well, played well, and all in all sent Myrtle Beach off with a smile :)  Here are my last bunch of shots from the trip...

This is what Lucas did for the beach. Have someone help him jump over waves. When one adult was tired, he would just go get another one to join him for more. He slept very well on this trip :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Myrtle Beach - Mini Golf

We have been going to the exact same miniature golf course in Myrtle Beach for probably 20 years. It's not that there aren't any others, this one is just THE BEST. It was super fun for me to get to take my kids there this year and watch them have a good time just as I did when I was a kid. My kids had such fun that we took them back for round 2 the following night.

Lucas, of course loved it. And was actually great at it. The group behind us asked to play through when then saw we had a three year old, but guess which three year old never took more than 4 strokes to get it in? And guess which group was waiting on the other group to finish the entire round?!?!  Uhuh.

Shea's favorite part was picking everyone's balls out of the cup at the end of each hole. Although, you will see below my favorite picture from when Phil helped her hit her first ball towards the end of the night :)

We love you, Treasure Island Golf!

First shot of the the undies.

Had to have the PURPLE ball. (Boo, says Mom).

Game face.

What exactly are we doing here?!?

The "real" golfers tone down their games to play with the grunts.

"Ball!" "BALL!"  BAAAALLLLLL!!!!"

Getting tired, mom.

Wait for it.....


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Myrtle Beach - Days 2 and 3

More beach pics!

Not actually at the beach (or a very good picture), but Shea was posing for the camera with these dish gloves, and it was hilarious.

Lucas found a baby frog. I could NOT believe my scaredy-kid actually held it!

Teamwork to build a hole!

This was Shea all day, every day on the beach. Eating sand covered snacks and walking around.

Out for dinner!

My manly men.

See...Mimi actually DID come to the beach.

Love my Daddy!

One more goofy pose for the camera!